Looking for Guidance on How to Combine Screenberry with Our Current Audio System

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I am looking for some guidance and recommendations from people who have worked with comparable setups because I am working on an endeavour that requires implementing Screenberry into our present AV setup.

We currently have a variety of projection devices, LED walls, and audio channels in our AV setup, all of which are managed by a single control system. In order to improve our capabilities—especially with regard to smooth video playing and sophisticated projection mapping—we are thinking of integrating Screenberry.

I have the following specific queries:

Hardware Compatibility: Which essential hardware elements are required to guarantee Screenberry compatibility? :thinking: Are there any particular projector and LED wall manufacturers or types that are especially compatible with Screenberry? :thinking:

Network Configuration: In order to support Screenberry, how should our network be set up? :thinking: Exist any recommended methods for enhancing network performance to guarantee lag-free playback? :thinking:

Software Integration: We create and playback material using a range of programmes, such as Creative Suite by Adobe, Resolume, and TouchDesigner. How effectively does Screenberry work with these instruments? :thinking:

Do you recommend any particular workflows or plugins? :thinking:

Troubleshooting typical challenges: When incorporating Screenberry into a previous system, what are some typical challenges you have run across, and how did you handle them? :thinking: I’d be grateful for any troubleshooting advice.

User Support and Training: Which tools or materials have you found to be the most successful in instructing teams on how to use Screenberry? :thinking: For new users, how challenging is the learning curve? :thinking:

I also checked this :point_right: https://help.screenberry.com/whats-new/release-sap-notes-3-2-0 but didn’t get clarification on this.

Any advice, thoughts, or experiences you could provide would be highly appreciated. I appreciate :+1: your assistance in advance!

Screenberry does not impose specific requirements for projectors or LED walls. If you have a particular projection setup in mind, please provide us with the details, and we can recommend a compatible projector.

Screenberry utilizes the network solely for server control; all playback processing occurs on the server, independent of the network. Therefore, a standard 1 Gbit network is sufficient. For audio or video streaming over the network, refer to online resources such as Dante and NDI manuals for detailed guidance on optimizing network performance.

While we do not have specific information regarding Adobe Creative Suite integration, we have successfully integrated Screenberry with Resolume using Spout texture sharing. For TouchDesigner, Screenberry supports direct playback of TOX files through the integrated Touch Engine SDK.

We do not currently have a comprehensive troubleshooting manual or FAQ available. Typically, we configure systems from scratch based on client requirements, which helps mitigate common integration challenges.

We provide a user manual to help new users get started. Additionally, we are developing more video tutorials to further assist in training and support.

Release notes are prepared to list new features and fixes in each update. For new users, the information may seem less clear without prior experience with the software. If you have specific questions about the release notes, feel free to ask, and we will provide clarification.