The seat control software can receive signals from the movie in real-time according to the progress of the movie’s playback time, achieving changes in the posture of the motion chair.
,How does screenbreey achieve this?
Yes, we’ve implemented such setups before. Screenberry supports controlling motion chairs through several protocols, including TCP, UDP, OSC, and Serial Port. In some cases, we also use a Script node to manage value conversions or handle the TCP connection to the chair’s controller.
To achieve synchronization with the movie, you can play the show on the timeline with additional Data Item tracks—each track corresponding to a different axis of control. These Data Items directly control the value of a node parameter within the node graph. Additionally, you can configure a joystick connected to the server to record chair motions during playback, allowing you to fine-tune and prepare the chair movements for the showings.
How? Is there a reference node?
Screenberry does not have a dedicated “Chair Controller” node because, to my knowledge, there is no universal protocol for motion chairs. Each manufacturer typically uses its own interface, so the solution must be customized for each specific setup.